Truck Accidents

Truck Accidents

Truck accidents are among the most serious of all traffic accident due to the destructive impact that a heavy truck can pose in a collision. The enormous weight and size of these vehicles means that they pack a wallop when striking smaller passenger cars.

Truck Accidents

Occupants of passenger cars have a much higher risk of serious injury and death than the driver of the truck in such accidents.  U.S. Department of Transportation statistics show that an average of nine people per day are killed and nearly 202 people are injured by semi-trucks.

Thousands of commercial trucks travel the highways and roads of the United States, including tankers, semis, and tractor trailers. These trucks are regulated by federal law and are generally run by large corporate trucking companies which have their own in-house legal departments. These factors make truck accident claims much more complicated than other traffic accident claims.

If you've been injured or have lost a loved one in a truck accident, you should immediately seek the help of a qualified attorney. The 1-800-LAW-FIRM Legal Network provides experienced and dedicated legal help in such matters.

Many different players in a truck accident may be held responsible for a negligence-based accident, from the person who leases or drives the truck to the commercial trucking company, those who service or maintain the truck, and those responsible for loading cargo. Truck manufacturers or the manufacturers of component parts may also be held responsible in cases of defective trucks. All of these various parties must be investigated to establish those who may be held liable in a truck accident.

Having trusted legal representation is imperative in any truck accident claim to ensure that you are compensated fairly for your injuries and losses. Don't expect the insurance company to fully care for your best interests - these companies maintain profitability by paying out as little as possible.

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